Training visit to Aarhus (Denmark)

On July 24, 2024, Mandy and I were at the Arnis training in Aaarhus (Denmark). We were on vacation for 2 weeks on the western North Sea coast of Denmark, at Houstrup Strand. Before the vacation I had written to Thorbjørn to clarify whether we could join the training.

Our journey to Aarhus took about 2 hours, as this city is located on the east coast. Parking is a challenge if you don't have one of the apps installed. Everything is mainly paid for by credit card or app. It was only after consulting with a local that I was finally able to find a parking machine to pay there. Then we were able to see the city and go out for a bite to eat.

We then went to a sports room at a school for training. We communicated surprisingly well with a mixture of English and German. Many Danes can speak some German and we regretted not knowing any Danish words. We want to improve this for the next trip.

Technique training can also be done without words. You then try to imitate the elements shown by the teacher. We learned a new Sinawali variation, which is good for warming up and also challenges the mind. And there were some new insights for blocks and disarms. Thorbjørn always assigned us new partners for the individual training sections, so we had a great exchange in the group. The lessons with Thorbjørn were a lot of fun and the time flew by. At the end we did 1:1, which was very challenging. My training partner was really quick and we were able to let off steam together. Then the training was already over.

We would like to thank Thorbjørn and his group for the great training and the friendly welcome. We would love to come back when we are on vacation in Denmark again.

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